Filing a divorce case before the Sharia court in Jordan: Everything you need to know about Islamic divorce in Jordan

There are two basic methods for legal divorce before the Sharia courts in Jordan.
The first method: filing a divorce suit (khul’).
In this way, the wife can file a divorce lawsuit in Jordan before the Sharia Court on the basis that she does not wish to continue her married life without the need to provide any proof, and as a result, she gives up her marital rights that are agreed upon in the marriage document and also returns what she received in the marriage contract. In marriage, in other words, the wife must return the amount that is written as she received it in the written marriage contract.
The estimated time to finalize the divorce and obtain a divorce certificate using this option will be 4 to 6 months.)
In this case and normal cases, you are not required to come to Jordan to attend any court session. You also do not need any witnesses or evidence.
Required documents and evidence:
Marriage contract.
Power of Attorney. This power of attorney must be authenticated by the Jordanian embassy in your country.
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The second method: filing a lawsuit for discord and conflict
A husband or wife can file a divorce lawsuit in Jordan before the Sharia Court based on the allegation of disagreements and disputes between each other. As a result, the court will estimate the compensation that must be paid to the wife according to the marriage contract.
Required documents and evidence:
Marriage contract.
Power of Attorney. This power of attorney must be authenticated by the Jordanian embassy in your country.
The wife or husband must provide the court with the names of two witnesses (at least) from his side to prove the dispute between them.
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